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Please follow the Pre-care Instructions for your SMP session. 
-    Wash your scalp with a non-abrasive, gentle shampoo for the week prior to your procedure.
-    After washing the scalp, moisturize the skin with some form of skin moisturizer, if your scalp is dry.
-    Refrain from sun tanning to avoid burning and peeling of the skin.
-    If you are extremely sensitive to pain, mention before treatment for possible options.
-    You may bring a clean hat or scarf to loosely cover your head after the treatment. 

-    Please do not wear a hair piece at least 10-14 days prior to your scheduled procedure.
-    Please do not use a razor on your scalp within 24 hours of the scheduled procedure.

In general, when it comes to scalp micropigmentation aftercare, you’ll want to treat your scalp like an open wound after SMP treatment. Meaning, avoid getting it wet and keep it clean. No chlorinated pools, saunas, steam rooms, or tanning beds for 28 days after your final treatment. This will ensure a good, long-lasting result.

It is important to follow this scalp micropigmentation aftercare guide after each SMP procedure.  These guidelines are proven to help the healing process and will ensure good ink retention, and it will also help the dots heal crisp looking their best.

For the first 5 days following treatment, you should avoid the following:
•    Sweating heavily – Try not to engage in any intense exercise for 5 days following treatment. Excessive sweating could interrupt the healing process
•    Scrubbing and shampooing – Scrubbing the scalp can break the skin and open wounds, and shampooing could introduce harsh chemicals.
•    Shaving – Avoid shaving and irritating the area while it’s healing.
•    Exposure to long-term sunlight – UV rays from the sun can cause sunburn and sun damage. This could lead to premature fading of the scalp pigmentation.
•    Touching with hands – Refrain from touching your scalp with your hands too much. You could introduce bacteria and increase the risk of infection.

During the first 5 days, make sure you’re drinking plenty of water and taking any medication as prescribed. You can lightly rinse the scalp while it’s healing and dab the area with a wet cloth to keep it clean. Do not soak the scalp. You may also wear a hat, scarf, or skullcap and sleep any way that’s comfortable for you. The first 5 days is crucial to your scalp micropigmentation aftercare.

For days 5 to 10, your head should be looking much better and healing nicely. However, it is still healing. You’ll want to make sure you’re still keeping up with your scalp micropigmentation aftercare routine. For the next 5 days, you should still avoid the following:

•    Scratching the scalp – As with tattoos, the skin on your scalp may begin to peel during these next few days. It’s important that you avoid scratching or picking any scabs that may form.
•    Shampooing or exfoliating – Shampoo and exfoliants can disrupt the formation of new skin layers during healing.
•    Using self tanners or skin irritants – While your scalp is healing, avoid irritants that could cause inflammation and disturb the healing process.

What you can do is carefully shave or cut your hair if needed. You should also continue rinsing lightly with water and soap to clean the area. Applying a moisturizer will also help the healing stage during this time. Make sure any moisturizer used is fragrance-free. You can also resume working out with light exercise.

After 10 days, your scalp should be healed completely. You may be scheduled for your next treatment session after 10 days. However, your next treatment date will depend on how it has healed so far. Before your next follow-up session, you’ll be requested to wash your head.
Exposure to long-term sunlight – You shouldn’t go out in the sun for long periods of time for up to 30 days since your last micropigmentation procedure. Sunlight contains dangerous UV rays that can interfere with the healing process of your scalp. Wear a loosely fitted clean hat if you go out in bright sunlight to protect your scalp and let the natural pigments do their job.

Avoid swimming – Another thing you should avoid for the first 30 days is swimming in pools, lakes, seas or rivers. Swimming can expose your scalp to salty water or chlorine and this can ruin the results of your micropigmentation procedure. You are not allowed to swim for up to 30 days since your last procedure.
After a month (30 days) from your final treatment session, you can do pretty much anything you want, provided that you don’t have any upcoming micropigmentation sessions. You can go swimming, you can go out during sunny days and resume your regular lifestyle. However, make sure that you use non-greasy sunscreen if you go out during a very hot summer day. You can also wear a light-colored hat to protect your scalp from dangerous UV rays.  You may also want to consider using a daily matte moisturizer to help preserve the longevity of your SMP investment.

Even after you have fully healed past the 30 days of your final treatment, we have some tips for keeping your scalp micropigmentation always looking its best.
•    UV rays are harmful, so make sure to put on some sunscreen or a hat before long exposure to sunlight.
•    Use a small amount of moisturizer after showering. We suggest a matte lotion which you can find on our aftercare lotion & sunsccreen page.
•    Avoid products containing AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) or high concentrations of alcohol on the treated area because it will increase the chance of pigment fading.

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